Our job is to replace missing teeth, missing tooth structure, broken teeth, you know, teeth that have decay. And so that’s really the bread and butter of what we do here. Yes, do we do other things in the practice? Absolutely. You know, a staple of how we treat our patients as we take care of all those little problems along the way.
Treating issues early in the mouth is not only a lot easier on you, but it saves a lot more tooth structure, you know, in the long run. So what we want to do is, you know, we want to be as conservative as possible because once you go in there and you start fixing teeth, you can never get that tooth structure back.
We’re trying to catch things when they’re small, fix them when they’re small, and keep them small throughout your lifetime. If you can fix it early on and that’s the last thing that you have to do for a long, long time, then that’s the most ideal situation.